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PDF e-signature
PDF signatures and digital certificates to configure detailed tutorial
Finishing by: Date:2009-04-03 09:36:16 Popularity: Tags:Acrobat PDF Signature digital signature tutorial
In this paper, to solve the problem: the advantages of a digital signature which? how to carry out a digital signature? digital signature process is? how to install the certificate?
digital signature with the traditional handwritten signature, must sign documents to verify the identity of the authenticity of signatures. The use of digital signature document must confirm the following two points: First, a document is signed by the signer; Second, since the contents of the documents until after the issue is not to receive any changes made. In Acrobat , if you need to digitally sign a document, it must first of all signatures with a specified number of identity, digital identity as identity cards, this can create a digital identity can also be from a credible third-party suppliers. In Acrobat provide three methods to create the digital certificate:

first method: Use the default security certificate on its own way create a digital identity, digital identity documents created are stored into a suffix for the . Pfx documents this way, you can choose from the number of passwords to protect the identity document, which is only suitable for small-scale enterprises, in the environment, the exchange of signed certificates to verify the existence of the problem;

The second method: from Windows security authority figures provided by the identity, apply for the management of the main characteristics of the signature verification certificates and more convenient, no need to re-enter the cost, but only for internal use in the enterprise with other enterprises to establish a relationship of mutual trust rather difficult;

third method: a digital certificate from a credible and Certification Center to provide. The general use of the official status of the figures are credible digital certificates issued by Certification Center. Digital certificates and Certification Center will be given a private key file (Sk) and a number of identity documents. The number of identity document contains the identity of the owner of the public key ( public key < span lang = "EN-US"> Pk) , name, name of issuing agency, digital ID cards, as well as certification bodies, such as digital signature information However, the annual investment costs are very expensive.
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